SARP Publication

Avalanche education via learning interventions in the bulletin

Avalanche education via learning interventions in the bulletin

Magazine ArticleRisk Communication

Author(s): Katie Fisher, Pascal Haegeli and Patrick Mair

Citation: Avalanche Journal 130 (Summer 2022) p. 27-28.

Publication year: 2022

In the winter of 2020, the Simon Fraser University Avalanche Research Program conducted an online survey to test if incorporating interactive components into the avalanche bulletin could increase its use as an educational tool. We wanted to provide data-driven advice to help avalanche warning services find ways to offer timely and reliable feedback to recreationists planning backcountry travel routes in avalanche terrain. We also wanted to test if characteristics of recreationists, such as their level of avalanche education, would impact how they responded to
interactive elements in the bulletin. This article provides a brief summary of the main results of the study and their implications for avalanche warning services. For a full description of the methods and results, please refer to the open-access publication in the Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism (Fisher, Haegeli, and Mair, 2022).

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