- M. R. M. 2023
Resource and Environmental Management
Simon Fraser University
- B. Sc. 2020
Physical Geography
Simon Fraser University
You can reach Rosie at rosemary_langford@sfu.ca.
Meet Rosie
Rosie feels fortunate to have had the opportunity to begin her adventures in the backcountry at a young age, where she found joy, freedom, and a sense of curiosity. This has motivated her to learn more about the winter backcountry and what it means to create safe and fun backcountry experiences for a diversity of users. She is delighted and humbled to have the opportunity to learn from and alongside others and to share what she has learned in her role as an avalanche educator, as a Director with Mountain Mentors, and in her master’s research. Rosie acknowledges the intersecting privileges she hold that enable her learning and development in academic and backcountry settings, and she is committed to working to ensure that others can access and enjoy safe experiences in the outdoors.
Rosie's research
The objective of Rosie’s study is to identify and characterize the risk management practices that recreationists use when traveling in the backcountry. She cherishes the extraordinary privilege of meeting backcountry recreationists to and learn from them through in-depth interviews. Rosie approached her study with genuine curiosity and respect for the experiences, knowledges, needs, and insights shared in these interviews. She used qualitative analysis methods to represent these findings in a meaningful way. Her goal was that this study may empower users with knowledge and awareness of their own decision-making practices, and that it can contribute to informing recreational avalanche risk management decision-making supports that are representative and supportive of the diversity of users that exists in the backcountry.
How do recreationists manage avalanche risk when travelling in the winter backcountry? Centering the stories of recreationists to identify, characterize, and contextualize avalanche risk management decision-making
How much recreational exposure to avalanche terrain is there? - An overview of possible approaches for monitoring winter backcountry use for public avalanche-warning services
Overview of Fatal Avalanche Accidents in the Mechanized Skiing Industry in Canada (1970-2020)
Click here for a full listing of SARP publications.
Rosie Langford & Pascal Haegeli
How do Winter Backcountry Recreationists Make Avalanche Risk Management Decisions?
2023 CAA Spring Meetings
Rosie Langford & Pascal Haegeli
How do winter backcountry recreationists make avalanche risk management decisions?
2022 Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis
Click here to view all SARP presentation videos.