Anne St. Clair – PhD Student

  • M. R. M. 2019

    Resource and Environmental Management

    Simon Fraser University

  • B. A. 2006

    Anthropology and Sociology

    University of Notre Dame

You can reach Anne at

Meet Anne

Anne is an avalanche educator, forecaster, and social science researcher who supports projects that strengthen knowledge, communication, and governance systems for natural hazards. She has 15 years of combined experience working as a backcountry ski and mountain bike guide, avalanche course instructor, and public avalanche forecaster, which she combines with academic expertise in Anthropology, Sociology, and Resource and Environmental Management. She currently works as a Pro and Instructor trainer for the American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE) and as a visiting professor for Alaska Pacific University’s Outdoor Studies program.

Anne's research

Anne started working with SARP in the fall of 2017 as a master’s student in the Resource and Environmental Management program. For her master’s research, she examined differences in how backcountry recreationists incorporate avalanche forecast information into their trip planning decisions.

Anne is continuing her research with the SARP program as a PhD student. For her doctoral studies, she aims to better understand the risk management challenges faced by mountain communities impacted by avalanche hazard, particularly in remote, under-served areas that are at greater risk to the effects of climate change. Anne values the insights and innovations that are possible when Indigenous Knowledge and communities are the driving force in avalanche risk reduction. Through community-led research collaborations, she is eager to support an improved collective understanding of mountain knowledge systems and to move towards more targeted, equitable, and effective risk governance approaches and communication and education strategies.

Anne’s publications at SARP

Reflections on how to improve the contribution of social science research to avalanche safety practices

Conference PaperConference Paper - ISSWResearch Methods
Pascal Haegeli, Anne St. Clair, Kelly McNeil, Andrea Mannberg, and Audun Hetland
Proceedings of the 2023 International Snow Science Workshop in Bend, Oregon
Publication year: 2023

Toward improved effectiveness of public avalanche safety services: A framework for asking constructive questions

Conference PaperConference Paper - ISSWRisk CommunicationRisk Governance
Anne St. Clair and Pascal Haegeli
Proceedings of the 2023 International Snow Science Workshop in Bend, Oregon
Publication year: 2023

Where the rubber of the RISP model meets the road: Contextualizing risk information seeking and processing with an avalanche bulletin user typology

Journal PaperRisk Communication
Anne St. Clair, Henry Finn, and Pascal Haegeli
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 102626. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102626
Publication year: 2021

Exploring the Effectiveness of Avalanche Risk Communication: A Qualitative Study of Avalanche Bulletin Use Among Backcountry Recreationists

Risk CommunicationThesisUser Groups
Anne St. Clair
M.R.M. research project no. 738, 2019-10. School of Resource and Environmental Management. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C.
Publication year: 2019

Click here for a full listing of SARP publications.

Anne’s research presentation videos

Anne St. Clair
Could the avalanche bulletin be more effective?
2019 WYSAW

Anne St. Clair
Could the avalanche bulletin be more effective?
2019 CAA Spring Meetings

Anne St Clair & Henry Finn
What Would Jerry and Sally Do? Exploring avalanche bulletin use and comprehension
2018 CAA Spring Meeting

Click here to view all SARP presentation videos.

Podcasts featuring Anne’s research

Anne St. Clair
Episode 5.27 – Anne St . Clair
The Avalanche Hour Podcast

Click here to access the podcast on Soundcloud.